Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng

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  • 滕王高阁临江渚,佩玉鸣鸾罢歌舞。
  • 画栋朝飞南浦云,珠帘暮卷西山雨。
  • 闲云潭影日悠悠,物换星移几度秋。
  • 阁中帝子今何在?槛外长江空自流。

Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng

Wang, Bo (Tang dynasty)

Behold, the ancient city of Yuzhang in the Han Dynasty, now the seat of the Commandery of Hongzhou. In the celestial realm, it claims dominion between the constellations Yi and Zhen. Below, it lies nestled amid the splendor of Mount Heng and Mount Lu. Like a majestic garment, it is adorned with the Three Rivers and cinched with Five Lakes, commanding the heart of Chu and bridging the realms of Min and Yue. Its treasures rival those bestowed by the heavens, a brilliance surpassing the stars themselves. Its terrain breathes an exquisite air of elegance, where Chen Fan set several resting places for his friend Xu Ru. Structures within Hongzhou are arranged like clouds and mists, while talents traverse its streets like shooting stars. This city, situated at the confluence of Central Plains and the Southern Tribes, embraces both distinguished guests and hosts, gathering the finest souls of the southeast. Commander Yan, acclaimed and revered, graces Hongzhou’s realm, his noble name resounding far and wide. Governor Yuwen, a paragon of virtue, paused here on his journey, exemplifying nobility in transit. Decadally, the rendezvous of the fortnight welcomes numerous kindred spirits, a gathering of exalted companions filling the seats. Master Meng’s written artistry soars like an ascending dragon, akin to the dance of a resplendent phoenix. Within General Wang’s arsenal, weapons gleam as sharp as violet lightning and blue frost. By virtue of my father’s tenure in Jiuzhen, I had the privilege of passing through this renowned place en route to kin. In my youth, unknowing, I found myself fortunate to partake in this grand celebration.

Amidst deep autumn’s September, rainwaters had receded, the chill in the waters subsided. Crystalline skies cradled wisps of cloud and twilight draped mountains in hues of purple. On high mountain roads, horse-drawn carriages traversed lofty ranges in pursuit of scenic wonders. Within Changzhou of yore, abodes of celestial beings were found. Verdant peaks pierced the heavens in overlapping layers, while ethereal pavilions and scarlet pathways seemed to float among the skies, concealing the earth below. Waterside flats and islets served as abodes for cranes and wild ducks, mimicking the meandering grace of archipelagos. Grand palaces adorned the undulating hills, woven into the landscape.

Pushing open intricately carved gates, gazing upon decorative roofs, landscapes of peaks and plains unfurled before my eyes. Abodes and residences filled every lane, as wealthy households resounded with the chime of bells and the clinking of bronzeware. Ferries crowded the docks, great vessels adorned with patterns of blue sparrows and yellow dragons. As clouds dispersed and rain ceased, sunlight bathed the landscape, clear skies above. Hues of twilight and solitary birds took flight, merging autumn’s river with the boundless sky in seamless unity. Evening witnessed fishermen’s songs echoing on boats, their melodies resounding along the shores of Penglai Lake. In autumn’s grasp, geese sensed the chill, their cries resounding by the waters of Hengyang.

A panoramic vista invoked a sense of liberation, igniting soaring spirits. The sounds of reed pipes beckoned gentle breezes, mellifluous songs enticed drifting white clouds. This grand celebration today, akin to Liangyuan’s refined gathering, surpassed even the capacity for drink of Tao Yuanming. Scholarly guests, akin to Cao Zhi of yore, wove verses as resplendent as “Red Blooms Out of a Green Pool,” their literary grace reminiscent of Xie Lingyun’s pen. Music, food, discourse, and verse – these four cherished facets converged, their noble hosts and esteemed guests united. Gazing skyward, we reveled on this holiday. The vast sky, boundless land, embodied the universe’s infinity. Revelry departed, melancholy settled, realizing the inevitability of all things’ waxing and waning. Gazing west, the setting sun casting Chang’an into shadows, Wu’s domain emerged amidst mist and clouds. Geographical remoteness, Southern Sea’s profound depths, Kunlun’s peak touching the heavens – constellations at the North Star’s apex – with mountain ranges and myriad islands abounding. Over rugged passes difficult to traverse, who could empathize with my unfulfilled aspirations? Chance meetings welcomed guests from afar, filling seats with wanderers from foreign lands. Pining for the emperor’s palace, yet unsummoned – when might I serve the court like Jia Yi in Xuan?

Ah, fortunes of men differ, life’s destinies often obstinate. Feng Tang aged with ease, while Li Guang achieved countless victories yet noble titles eluded him. Jia Yi, endowed with talent, found himself in Changsha’s shadow – not for want of wise rulers, nor in a time of enlightenment. It is the sagacious who understand timing, the discerning who apprehend destiny. Though years advance, spirit endures; how can one alter one’s demeanor in old age? Amid adversity, resolve strengthens, never forsaking lofty aspirations. Even after drinking from the Spring of Greed, no avarice emerged; as a carp in a dwindling rut, it remained content. Though distant, the North Sea was reachable on a strong wind; the sunrise might have faded, but cherishing twilight remained timely. Meng Chang used a noble heart to fortify himself; then, why lament fate in straits, like Ruan Ji’s tears?

Humble is my status, a mere scholar. Though age peers with Zhong Jun, opportunities for service to country remain distant. Like Ban Chao, that fervor for military service burns; like Zong Que’s “Riding Wind, Breaking Waves” aspiration, to journey far and wide. Abandoning prospects for glory, I journey great distances to attend my father. Though not on par with Xie Xuan’s brilliance, I mingle with many virtuous and learned individuals. Soon, I will join my father, learning from him like Kong Li did from his father; today’s reception by Commandant Yan leaves me as elated as ascending Longmen. If not for an introduction like Yang Deyi’s, I must console myself by patting my own works. Having encountered Zhong Ziqi, playing “Flowing Water,” why feel ashamed?

Ah, ephemeral are famed locales, grand feasts rare to relive. Orchid Pavilion’s illustrious gatherings have become history, Shichong’s Zize reduced to ruins. Honored with the grace of this feast, I pen this preface upon departure, leaving the exalted verses to be composed by those present. I, daring to express my meager sentiments, have crafted this brief foreword. A four-line quatrain has also been penned. Let each of you, like Pan Yue and Lu Ji, exhibit literary prowess akin to traversing the rivers and oceans:

  • Majestic Pavilion of Prince Teng stands tall, overlooking the sandy islet in the river’s heart; yet the opulent song and dance of yore, with jade and phoenix bells, have ceased.
  • At dawn, Southern Wharf’s light clouds skim the pavilion’s eaves; at twilight, Western Mountain’s mist and rain roll up the pavilion’s beaded curtains.
  • Leisurely shadows of colorful clouds mirror in the river, drifting through the day; as fleeting as time itself, how many springs and autumns have passed?
  • The prince Teng who once savored lofty heights, where might he be now? Only the relentless river beyond the balustrade flows ceaselessly toward distant realms.